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Letter to Emily - God does exist.

Writer: Robin CapehartRobin Capehart

Dear Emily,

I hope you're doing well. As I mentioned in my previous letter, while I may not have great wealth to leave you, I can leave you with my thoughts. My faith is a significant part of my life so I believe that's where we should begin.

Let's start by considering the existence of God. When we look at the universe, we can see how everything works together in a precise and amazing way. For example, the Earth is positioned just right, neither too close nor too far from the sun, allowing life to thrive. This careful balance shows that there might be a purpose behind it all.

There are other examples of this fine-tuning in our universe. Gravity, for instance, is set at the perfect strength to allow life to exist. These intricate details suggest that there might be a Designer behind it all.

Every building has a builder. Every painting has a painter. Every loaf of bread has a baker. In fact, everything that is created has a creator.

If we think about how every creation has a creator, we can apply this principle to the universe. The complexity and order we see in physics, chemistry, and biology are not random occurrences. They point to a deliberate design. Take the DNA molecule, for example, with its intricate information system. It's a level of sophistication that hints at a creative intelligence behind life.

Our consciousness and moral compass also indicate that there might be something beyond the material world. We have an innate understanding of right and wrong, a desire for justice, and an appreciation for beauty and love. These qualities suggest that there is a moral lawgiver at the core of our existence.

The transformative power of faith in people's lives, including my own, further suggests a divine presence. I've witnessed incredible changes in individuals that go beyond mere willpower. It seems like there is guidance and intervention from a higher power.

Throughout history, many great thinkers, artists, and leaders have recognized the existence of a higher power. Figures like Isaac Newton and Martin Luther King Jr. demonstrate that belief in God can coexist with profound intellect and creativity.

On a personal level, my faith has been a real and significant part of my life. I've experienced moments of undeniable presence, guidance, and love during my darkest times. These experiences have solidified my belief in a Creator.

You share my belief in God, I know. Nevertheless, I want to emphasize that my goal in sharing these reflections is to explain the foundation of my faith. The order and complexity of the universe, the conditions necessary for life, the wonder of existence itself, our innate moral compass, the transformative power of faith, historical testimonies, and my personal journey all lead me to believe in a purposeful design and a Creator behind it all.

I see the world as a place filled with beauty, mystery, and complexity, not as a result of randomness, but as evidence of a purposeful Creator. It's hard to believe that such order could come from chaos. As such, my belief in a Creator provides me with hope, purpose, and a lasting sense of wonder.

I hope these insights give you a glimpse into the roots of my faith. It's a journey that has brought hope and meaning into my life.

With all my love,


P.S. "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" - Matthew 6:26. This verse reminds us of the care and detail God puts into His creation, inviting us to see His hand in the complexity and beauty of the world around us.



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